Leading a volunteer team is different to a normal management job. Everyone is motivated to support the cause, but financial incentives are not a lever you can pull as everyone is volunteering. Opportunities to gain experience and network are a really important factor for professionally skilled opportunities along side supporting the cause, and making sure a team feels it is moving forward is vital to keep people motivated. As a charity run by volunteers, it’s also a challenge to factor in the many different times when people can join calls or work on a project. Can you balance these challenges and show real leadership? We want to her from you!
We have a range of different volunteer teams in the charity that will always need leadership to support them, if you feel you can dedicated at least a few hours a week please sign up below and we’ll be in touch to place you with an appropriate team or project.
Unfortunately for safeguarding and security reasons we cannot accept non-UK volunteers at this time.
We need volunteers with professional skills in data to work on a projects for our new national roll out of our app. The new app that aims to dramaticly change the lives of peope facing poverty and to change the conversation about how poverty is addressed using an evidence lead approach and real-time data reporting and mapping. We currently have four different data teams for four different projects which have just started. Sign up below and we'll send you a survey to see which project you'd like to join
Supported by grants from

Supported by corporate non-profit programmes from

Supported by grants from

Supported by corporate non-profit programmes from

Help Close By is a charity registered in England and Wales.
Registered Charity Number 1190642
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Help Close By is a charity registered in England and Wales.
Registered Charity Number 1190642